Price Details
Rs 4500.00 / 5 Line
Rs 900.00 / Extra Line
Times of India- Delhi NCR
Details : Times of India - Delhi + Sunday Times of India - Delhi + Times of India - Uttrakhand + + Economics Times - Delhi
City Covered : Delhi-NCR , Faridabad , Ghaziabad , Gurgaon , Noida
Special Scheme : Paid 4 Ad & Get 1 Ad Free , Paid 7 Ad & Get 2 Ad Free
Rs 4500.00
Price Details
Rs 4500.00 / 5 Line
Rs 1000.00 / Extra Line
Hindustan Times - Situations Vacant Ad
Details : Hindustan Times (Tuesday) + HIndustan Hindi (Any Day)
City Covered : Delhi-NCR , Faridabad , Ghaziabad , Gurgaon , Noida
Special Scheme : Paid 4 Ad & Get 1 Ad Free
Rs 4500.00
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